The Village of Marvin accepts subdivision roads for maintenance in order to maintain strong property values and to address public safety and traffic concerns within Marvin subdivisions. Every 3-5 years, the Village Engineer assesses all Village roads and rates them based on an array of criteria and advises on the prescribed treatment.
The Marvin Village Council adopted a 5-year pavement condition survey plan on October 30, 2024. This plan provides guidance on when to apply preservation treatment to streets for the purpose of lowering future maintenance costs by extending the lifespan of the asphalt. The survey is typically performed every 5 years and specially for Village-maintained streets. However, this plan includes Marvin neighborhood streets that are currently owned by NCDOT. The Village Council is committed to accepting ownership of these roads and this plan shows how that can be accomplished over a 5-year period.
Note: This plan is contingent upon NCDOT approval as well as their ability to upgrade the condition of certain identified streets in the plan. Additionally, some of the timelines in the plan may change based on budgeting constraints. For any questions pertaining to this plan, please contact the Public Works Department.
If you do not see your road in the file linked above, then your road is likely maintained by NCDOT. The NCDOT maintenance schedule can be found in the link below:
Village of Marvin Engineering Standards and Procedures Manual
Traffic Calming Policy
In 2020, the Marvin Village Council adopted a traffic calming policy that allows HOAs to request the installation of traffic calming devices on Village-owned roads. To make a traffic calming request, download the policy and request form below and return it to the Village Manager. The form may be emailed to the Village Manager via the Contact Us form or mailed to Village of Marvin, Attn: Village Manager, 10006 Marvin School Road, Marvin, NC 28173.
Contact Streets & Road Maintenance
Davy Broom
Public Works Director
Phone: (704) 843-1680, Press 4
Cell: (980) 328-1462
Fax: (704) 843-1660
Contact Public Works