Land Use & Maps

On November 10, 2020, the Village Council adopted the 2020 Land Use Plan, which is a document that guides decisions regarding development and sets the vision for the future of Marvin. The plan and the Future Land Use Map were largely influenced by the Resident Survey conducted in 2019. You can view the plan, the map, and the results of the survey using the links below.

On January 11, 2022, the Village Council adopted an Ordinance approving the Marvin Heritage District Form-Based Code, the zoning regulations for the Marvin Heritage District. The document is available below, as well as the Marvin Heritage District Small Area Plan, which was adopted December 14, 2021 as an amendment to the Village's Land Use Plan.

On May 14, 2024, the Village Council adopted the Marvin Development Ordinance, which repealed and replaced Chapters 150 and 151 of the Village's Code of Ordinances, as well as the Marvin Heritage District Form Based Code. The Council also adopted amendments to the Marvin Heritage District Small Area Plan.

Click Here for More Information on the Marvin Heritage District