Press Releases

Date Description File
8-7-2024 August 7, 2024 Tropical Storm Debby State of Emergency
State of Emergency declared by Union County and the Village of Marvin.
2024-08-07 Village of Marvin Consent to Union County Emergency Declaration for Tropical Storm Debby.pdf
4-25-2024 Marvin Development Ordinance (MDO) FAQ
Frequently Asked Questions about the proposed Marvin Development Ordinance (MDO).
Marvin Development Ordinance FAQ FINAL 04252024.pdf
1-9-2024 January 9, 2024 Severe Weather State of Emergency
State of Emergency declared by Union County and the Village of Marvin.
20240109 Union County State of Emergency.pdf
8-14-2023 Marvin / New Town Road Intersection Closure, Roundabout Construction to Commence
Closing on Monday, August 21 for approximately 8 weeks.
2023-08-14 NTR MR Closure Notice.pdf
8-10-2023 An Explanation of the 28173 Zip Code
Is it Marvin or Waxhaw?
2023-08-10 Zip Code Info Piece.pdf
8-8-2023 Village of Marvin Welcomes New Public Work Director
Mr. David "Davy" Broom joins the Village of Marvin staff on September 18, 2023.
2023-08-08 PW Director Announcement.pdf
7-14-2023 Marvin / New Town Road Temporary Intersection Closure
The intersection is temporarily closing on Monday, July 17 for 5-7 days for additional utility work.
2023-07-14 NTR MR Intersection Closure1.pdf
6-23-2023 Marvin / New Town Road Roundabout Construction Date and Detour Information
Construction commences on or around July 10. Off-duty officers will no longer be directing traffic after July 1. See enclosed detour info.
2023-06-23 Marvin - New Town RAB Construction and Detour Info.pdf
3-27-2023 Status of the Marvin Loop Greenway - FAQs
Status of the Marvin Loop and Information on the Upcoming Grant-Funded Expansion
Marvin Loop CRTPO Grant Funding FAQ FINAL.pdf
2-14-2023 Branding Project Update
All the details on Marvin's new brand: "Village of Marvin, Enriched by Nature."
2023-02-14 Branding FAQ.pdf
12-5-2022 Marvin / New Town Road Roundabout Update
Project to be completed in 2023.
New Town_ Marvin RAB Press Release_12_5_2022.pdf
10-18-2022 Wayfinding & Branding Project FAQs
Frequently Asked Questions regarding the Village's wayfinding and branding project. Read to learn more!
2022-10-18 Wayfinding and Branding Project FAQ.pdf
10-7-2022 Marvin Day 5K and Fun Run T-Shirt Logo Design Contest
Details on how to enter our t-shirt logo contest for the 2023 Marvin Day 5K and Fun Run.
PR for 5k Logo contest.pdf
9-29-2022 Hurricane Ian State of Emergency
Information on how to stay prepared for the storm.
8-31-2022 Proposed Roundabout at Waxhaw-Marvin and Bonds Grove Church Roads
Information on a new proposal by Union County to partner with the Village of Marvin on roundabout at the intersection of Waxhaw-Marvin and Bonds Grove Church Roads.
Waxhaw Marvin_Bonds Press Release_08_31_2022.pdf
5-27-2022 Vehicle Tag Fee FAQs
Frequently asked questions regarding the Village's new motor vehicle tag fee
Vehicle Tax_05_25_202212.pdf
4-21-2022 First Marvin Heritage District Proposal Received
Frequently Asked Questions and the Next Steps in the Process
MHD First Submittal Press Release.pdf
10-7-2021 Information on Union County Cell Tower Application
Information on the proposal, the proposal timeline, and what options Marvin residents have.
Memo for Press Release - Cell Tower (Union County Rea RD Propsal).pdf